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About Us


healthPiper has quietly led a revolution in the treatment of psychiatric symptoms. Since we served our first client through our app 5 years ago, we established a new standard for service and quality. By elegantly harnessing technology, reengineering the clinical process, and hiring only the best, we provide treatment that we and our clients are confident is the highest quality, most welcoming, and most convenient available anywhere, online or off.



Joshua Freedman, MD. Founder and CEO


  • Serial Entrepreneur founded companies in digital psychiatry, pharma, and neuromarketing, with aggregate over $40M capital raised. Acquisition exit to $1B public company (Mediconsult)

  • Founded neuromarketing company FKF Applied Research, covered in The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Today Show, Good Morning America, NPR, and the BBC

  • Yale College & Yale Medical School



Ben Tompkins, Director of Product Development


  • Oversees healthPiper’s proprietary EHR platform, as well as market research and growth modeling



Kate Panadides, Office Operations


  • Kate coordinates business operations, and makes healthPiper hum.



Karina Moreno, Leader of Concierges


  • A graduate of UCLA, with previous experience starting her own company, Karina leads the hiring, training, and supervision of the rapidly growing concierge team



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